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days in driving light.

bright day with rich dinner.^slept lately. dreamed but forgot content. baby visited me twice&urged me to got up. but i felt too sleepy to abide him. when i finally got up, i found the evil grandma playing chess with baby. her posture very sinful, toward baby. i at once created all games shortcuts on desktop as baby asked. when baby started to game on pc, i lingered awhile watching baby's gaming, then left. when i arrived office, its 9:30am. fine tuned my chrome's pinned tabs, manually coding till satisfied. sorted portable, dvd backup. retreated to dorm just after 1pm, continued to watch movie "hurt locker" till notebook run out of battery. dozed awhile till chatter from dorm administrators turned louder. reviewed my girl zhou, who talked with her cellphone yesterday when i walking to bus stop. at the moment i a bit hated her, for her indifferent to my appeals. but after all i know God granted a dewy girl, with who i at least have a twin, who is virtuous, and wise&attending with dignity. returned to office at 4pm. the sunshine was quite bright. read&download. later buzzed baby's mom, emakingir, to see if she had problem with her new attempt to build&maintain her QQ group with her colleagues&students. she said her busy with course ware&would like to discuss with me if she in the task. dined with Taiwan feature rice, and dumplings in the western style Chinese restaurant near my dorm. a man stood outside of the noodle restaurant when i passed it. returned to dorm, still felt the bliss from Masheng, Heaven. roamed about one hour, then blog, with new hope to meet my girl zhou. finished watching movie, hurt locker. check my posts online, then slept after 11pm.

reunited with baby son in dragon head lunar holiday.^got up at 7:20am. in office read after posting tweets. sorted stuff from web. refined some family google profiles. some deep insight in articles from e-magazine, economist, invited my review. the parties' dispute, the history burden in Japan's government-dominating economics. buzzed baby's mom, emakingir's land phone, but the grandma there said her daughter just left. baby said brought to hospital in the morning. baby son reluctant talk to me when i buzzed again just wanting to listen him. returned to dorm just after 2pm, dozed for about half&an hour. brought clothing to laundry of QRRS dorms, the woman just leaving for today is lunar holiday to eat pig's head meat. that remind me visiting baby son this night, now that i just got a baby game, toy story mania, a Disney product, and a compensation for one baby policy abiding, ¥60, dispatched at 1pm in office. met the leaving grandma on way, they just dined with the traditional food. ema later cooked me rice&fried mouton sticks. i busy with install games, demonstrated ema computer skill, synchronized data among family 3 computers. after dinner we ate together, ema read novel online, while i tried new games with baby. after 10pm, i strongly suggested family watching movies "hurt locker" i got gain from web, but only baby &me watched about half an hour, then baby asked to sleep. we slept divided: baby&his mom slept in baby's room while i slept in bedroom alone. what a bright day!

