a restless night preparing baby son workspace online.^now its a sunny morning. i got up near 6am after woke up in the rest of elation in last night's operation. my task list queues longer since the office relocation. in the past greatest lunar Spring Festival, i broke my neck to look out Internet arriving my work place in QRRS Dorm, a niche exiling from the sinful office where paid criminals baked me with threats daily and profaned me for a long time, but in vain till yesterday, the 1st work week in lunar new year 2011. i buzzed the dorm's director, but reply was ambiguous, like all the contacts i made with the authority. i knew China surveillance making buffeting decision, and still in doubts upon its doomed failure. God, &my glorious ancestor since Ming Dynasty, already grants me my improved workspace. baby still in tour with his mom visiting her relatives in neighbor province, i sometimes ate poor food, like canned instant noodle, in the happiest time in Chinese memory in a year. on the day time seemed still, failed my many tries to kill it, like pc game, sorting disk, roaming, etc. its however, a bright sunny day. near the end of work time in QRRS, the mill of railway wagons, i decided to borrow my old&ditched office Internet for some hours. on routine jog, i figured out tasks urgent to accomplish in the operation before the close time of the office building. God helps me smoothly execute, in the near 3 hours in puffing rush. i claimed new namespace, wozon (http://www.flickr.com/people/wozon) and wozonow (http://wozonow.blog.163.com), for baby son's less important content account against China surveillance when he still greenhorn in the cyberspace. i also narrowly posted recent photos to picasaweb. even intended to post 2 written blogs in dark time of webless for more than 2 months, but time's limit curbed it. in dorm before went to bed near 10pm, i sorted bookmarks to catalog the loot in the light of holy. this dawn i continued bookmarking till see the brilliance outside. God, bring me my new life with my girls, spare me in my new&improved work space!
a cloudy day.^yesterday i buzzed too much hometown that got some hurts among my relatives there, as well as my brain by the cellphone. i reviewed my kid brother's fading marriage, his sinful intention to challenge my soveraign by stealth&covert, and not surprisingly the enemy of my new Empire of China that lives 1109 years ahead conspiring to tear my siblings apart, via seduction and cowardice both, on the weaker or pendinger among my old family members. my kid brother lived hard now, with hungry mouthes for feed, but he long time had a tendency for violence&rapacity. he was mainly educated by my dark mother, who left the world last year, and these years brewing failure&hatred upon my unbeatable authentic under shine of my passed dad, God, alone. my kid brother felt he can make a living by robbing me. he just bland upon the sainity of the Royal of China, the forever untouchable glory of the Son, for he is blunt unholy now. i tried to elaborate my anxious with my 2 elder sisters, whom the brother just visiting for traditionaly Chinese custom, but i narrowly failed myself, for the sin evaded my description the moment. on bed after washed my feet, it turns clear, and i prayed our dad, God, to grant me freedom to act capable anytime anyway. praying God to see through&lead over the direct conflict between my kid brother&me against enemy of my Empire sieged us, the sore mud&hot water their virus hidden sown. praying God brings space&freedom into my kid brother's heart&business, deceases burning imprudicity&arrogancy stemmed from failure or hurt inside, let him support his family independently and respectably graciously. God, my Royal of China, as well as the holy land in ur title, forever untouchablely saint&beautiful&unmistakably legitimate. bring my girls so sweat&cordial to me in our prime time for the coming Empire of China! God, shift me into my improved workspace as u promised, lightn the world by my gospel here from ur Spirit.
new lunar year of 2011, starter of new progress from old oath&commitment.^this Spring festival is the most enduring holiday i felt so lonely. baby's mom kept uncoorperative to bargain me for her interest in our ended marriage. baby first time visited my new dorm after last Spring festival visit when my dorm assigned on the 2nd floor in the same building. with 2 small cabins, a computer desktop, my new office attracked baby's likeness. we gamed on notebook, and one Japanese game extraordinarily immersed him. i carried him haunted twice a seasonal open-air market for crackers, once after lunched nearby economically. he greatly enjoyed those crackers when we fired them together on the ground. he also received quite some praises from working staff in the QRRS Dorms on his smartness&charisma. we bought a cake on way returning to his mom's house in sunset. its a bathing piglet theme&we accompanied the full process it molded&painted by a beautiful girl in the cakeshop. we enjoyed it in the night, while his mom especially in the present summoned to shot photos. the night baby insisted we slept on one bed in his mom's bedroom. baby laid his leg on my belly crossing 2 quilts, one in which i slept alone. i slept lately but sound. his mom arranged to spend the eve of Spring Festival in her mother's house, so we departed in morning, &reunited around 2 am to dine together rich the grandma prepared. in the case i talked a lot with her step-father, whose intimacy with the family quite gappy after his failures in his career not only bankrupted his state-owned company when he in charge, but also his private investments, in my view. baby quite glad&listend my talks aside patiently. we gamed&created new records in pc games after dinner, after found the young uncle self-defeated&refused to help us break each hard mission in 2 games as we previously expected from his game expertise. i walked to dorm in dusk, stayed till time to watch CCTV Spring Festival party live. a male dropped in when i alone watching in the neighbor dorm's TV room, challenged several times but none succeeded&quit finally. i received a call from hometown, in which i encouraged my kid brother's wife to endure her hard time when their marriage besieged by the husband's new female partner in his business in Guangdong, southern China. i left the TV till the end of the party, with stronger faith in my bond with my girl Zhou, as well as my Royal&family duty over China in next millennium. its a sunny festival, but my hope for my new life, my new family with my girls, even brighter. God, help me step forward firm&in ur bliss. this is my prayer on first day in lunar new year 2011.
