a wonderful day.^yesterday is a neat&fit day, near 5:20pm, i packed my portable&left office free of anxious. but in the beginning of afternoon is not so lucky. when it turned pale in sky i left office to visit baby in his kindergarten, as i had the idea last night in dorm, for the day is Oct 28. the guard of the kindergarten, likely a retired cop, locked me outside after i shown him my national ID card&lots of explains of my identity, yet refused to bring my son outside to allow me exchange words with baby, but only convey a bottle of juice i bought to baby. i know God's setting to raise the Son. in night when i first time buzzed in, baby cried at home for juice for his mom refute him. its a night without moon, but stars clear. God, can't it less wonderful? bring my girls to me, God, i entreat u.28/10/2010
a day of Asoh Yukiko.^yesterday is really a winning day, just like what i told baby son last night, God rewards times for what the Son suffered: i got full of stuff i admired of from web. this dawn i dreamed of Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan, who lingered quite some time with me in dream, till i had to got up to make water. its so passionate in dream, &so successful, that i never expected. since this moment Asoh is part of mine, as my wife. Its a bright morning, with fresh hopes&messages. God, u see.27/10/2010
blocking heaps higher.^yesterdays sees surveillance against my Internet traffic tighten rein. i tried more than 30 times with breaking firewall tools, none succeeded. dog behind the blockage laughed. in night after dinner received baby son&suggested haunting KFC nearby, his mom accepted. but she dislike KFC food after read scandal report of its China franchise. i told baby anyone don't acquaint the Son nor God, is sinful&dead prejudged. a family whose son classmate in baby's music lesson also dined there. its a great moment for me, for baby likes it.26/10/2010
a day to save.^yesterday narrowly finished workload. posted a blog for the 1st snow of winter 2010, includes recent photos, and panoramas rebuilt by photoshop. till near 2pm done, across the border of China surveillance. my mouse left in baby's mom's house, so i intended buy a new one, &some blank dvds for backup. all the afternoon i doubting borrowing ¥100 from a guy in neighbor dorm who loaned me triple times total to ¥100, with the amount i returned him last Sunday night. but the devil refused me at once trickily, with another gay spy present in the dorm. i know God, Asoh saves me from evil lure of companion, which developed for months aiming to dent on my glory. on way roaming outside, i pray God for his bliss in time, glory of the Son forever untouchable, from the trap of humiliation. this morning i didn't buzzed hometown as God lets. QRRS, my once employer, dispatching bottle water in parcel among staff, but no one in office informed me. God, i only receive life support from my family, form Asoh Yukiko, my Crowned Queen from Japan, let it plenty&unbreakable. Its all time bright today. God, bring my girls to me in our new life ahead.

for google&flick blocked within China mainland for years, here some copy hosted domestic.

panorama of XiaoYin music school, baby son having his last lesson here, for its charge a burden for his parents' mean salary..

family rejoined in KFC after baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, Hope of China, owner of warozhu.com, finished his night music lesson nearby.