Today is the second day of work week. i less blogged in weekends, &last till now. China surveillance hacked more closer to my web traffic, several occasions they likely command lined to disrupt my connection, esp in last weekends&over time of the company. recent Internet via corporate lan broke down for quite some times, likely they harness more upgraded network gear to filter&espionage. however, i still finished quite some operations planned, like updated my domain registrant information, adding logo onto header of my new blogs for Chinad, China Democracy, fine tuned my panoramio photos' geotag, etc. last night i frequent neighbor dorms for fun of gathering, mostly likely gays there. returning to my dorm&solitude, i review my love for my Taiwan girl, my girl zhou, my girl on the train from my second hometown journey, i saw clearer the glory of Son. world in my hand&firmly transfers to my heirs in shines&shrines. i felt my new life ahead with my beloved, with rich drink&dinner&gossip, never so near that its warmth passed to me.
Ok, dirt&sin in office challenged me now. bye my girls, come and join me now. u mean my hub or harbour. dream with me above my arms before the winter. God, bring me my new life in tendering love, that u promised me.
dreamed of Japanese, &progress of red army.^last night later join canteen, where the larger family of the owner there busy. the sister, most beautiful among them, falsely stood against her brother-in-law, let me see the needed decision to bypass them. in dorm challenges from neighbor gays called forth my review of my love. see clearer the bliss upon the Son. in dawn dreamed of progress of red army in modern China history, when&where they took authority from local tycoon, &leading common Chinese in great sufferings into larger social political trend like communism. saw the universal way of winning attitude to provide improved service to the society to edge out the old ones. breakfast as God allows. its a 3rd brilliant day in this golden Autumn. God, bring me my beloved girls!15/10/2010
dreams.^yesterday in my view another gaining day. in night before went to bed, the sinful plots of criminal from my QRRS office, esp. the monitor, a spy since his college, displayed itself in my mind. God let sins falling around me, &show me the glory of Son. in dawn dreamed of Japanese family. then in a marriage ceremony. then found myself doing coordinating job among hospital, school, army&arsenal. enjoyed late sleep again, &breakfast in canteen. its sunny in the morning. new network espionage equipment harnessed recently in my office building frequently broke down my Internet&punished all LAN users minutes of blocking off all Internet traffic. shits! loser in nowadays China getting mad&worsening everyday.14/10/2010
dreamed of a girl athlete.^yesterday was fruitful. the Internet via corporate lan down for hours. i dozed after failed trying contacting upper cadres. stayed in office after 6pm till got games i was aspired. there is a beautiful girl in the dorms' canteen. roamed outside&met the high rank in QRRS, a Zhou. offer ¥5 to a passing homeless man. the night is warm, i first time recently got up later then 7am. dreamed in dawn a career soccer player, a girl, whose team likely from southwestern China, Shichauan. i in dream got close intimacy with her. breakfast in canteen. now its cloudy but hopeful still a sunny day later.God, nothing in the world can ascribe to ur glory, which is forever untouchable for life on the planet. nothing obligation to the Son on the earth can be granted. God, u see.
a day on horizon of my second life with new wives.^today is a rare sunny day in recent days. i claimed 2 extra blogs from of google for China Democracy, their id is Chinadc&chinadem, near noon break finished setting up widgets on page, analytics from google, adsense for feeds, etc, &published them within my shared google reader feeds bundle, zhonepub. i also sorted my reader, ditched outdated/dead rsses. corporate Internet once broke in afternoon. i read quite some feeds i subscribed after Internet resumed. sins in office again challenged me most daytime, &gathered momentum in afternoon. i left office ten minutes before work time over to avoid dirt, esp. from the monitor who likely prepared to linger after work to profane. roamed outside speedily, for baby tonight came over to have music lesson, just minutes walk from his school to my dorm. i bought him some new color ball pens, for one of them i bought him days ago, a pink one, don't spell ink smoothly. one dorm mate loaned me ¥20 for the act&its second time he did. after met baby&his mom, who insisted not to haunt KFC as i suggested, i found she forgot to fetch my missing clothing, &arranged me to fetch tomorrow on my own. when i sent them into bus, a cop previously worked in QRRS' police station followed them, narrowly passed by me. its second time the cop showily did. its a day for my second wife, her message of arriving inspired me so much, i bought a parcel of sausage to celebrate the moment. its first night this winter the dorm heated by steam tunnel, warmth from Heaven reaches me, surely! corporate Internet down for hours. connected but lagging speed. tried to contact director so i first response is office hooligans broke the equipment again, but later found directly connected to router also lagging. dozed then, now surfing with a low speed.12/10/2010
a day won at last. now beams of sun.^its cloudy since morning, i busy with posting till noon break finished. also help baby&his mom post baby's recent photos accompanied her mom's hometown visit. later claimed group with for my hometown, Zhudajiu. cost some time to customize its homepage, for the copy on google groups in same title has quite some redundant code lines. the gays in office challenged all day. soon before the end of work time the facing evil left, but the monitor, a male prostitute in essence, joined&closed the door to profane. the sunshine turns very beautiful in late afternoon, warm&golden, &i readily left office about ten minutes before work time over, with satisfaction after the work load. dinner especially delicious for hunger. after roamed outside, i loaned from nearby restaurant to have 6 sticks of toast beef to glorify my complacent in God's shine. buzzed baby's mom after fetching some water from neighbor dorm, for my dorm underwent renovation for a week, &tap water cut off since the launch of the project. God, i deeply craving for a stable&materially enjoyable life! bring my girls into our new life!&now its a rare sunny morning recently. God, bring me more wondering moments with my beloved.
blog is life.^posted a blog to include recent photos in National Day vacation. hope surprise in coming holiday season.![]() |
From life as it extends |
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From life as it extends |
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From life as it extends |

2 skyscrapers built by QRRS manifesting its ambition to conquer the area.

a bird in cage brought by elders in Qiqihar railway southern park.